King County Democrats 2015 Legislative Agenda Status Update

Revenue & Tax Reform: Pass a capital gains tax on the wealthy to raise additional revenue to fund Basic Education and meet McCleary obligations (Budget—No bill #) Close corporate tax exemptions that lack accountable performance objectives and results in terms of living-wage jobs and other measurable community benefits Require the Legislature to adopt a Tax…

Congratulations, Claudia!

In early returns, Democrat Claudia Balducci is decisively defeating Republican Jane Hague, becoming the first Democrat elected to the King County Council from the Eastside. This is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations, Claudia! We are very proud of you and look forward to seeing you take office as the 6th District’s new representative in a few…

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King County Democrats endorse Scott Pinkham for school board, take positions on eight ballot measures

At this month’s executive board meeting in Renton, the King County Democrats met to consider taking endorsement action in several contests which will be decided by voters this November. This post summarizes the endorsement votes taken at the meeting. To pass, an endorsement motion must receive a two-thirds vote. We began with Seattle City Council,…

King County Democrats

King County Democrats nominate three to succeed State Representative Ross Hunter

Following Ross Hunter’s resignation from the Legislature to helm the Washington State Department of Early Learning, the King County Democrats tonight selected attorney Patty Kuderer, Redmond City Councilmember Kim Allen, and real estate broker Santiago Ramos as its nominees to fill the vacancy for State Representative, Position #1 in the 48th Legislative District. The final…

September 22 Executive Board Meeting

The agenda for our September 22 Executive Board meeting (7 PM, Renton Carpenters’ Hall) will include consideration of: Additional endorsements for the general election (note that per KCDCC Bylaws 11.3, the only candidates who may moved for endorsement this meeting are those whose questionnaires were received by Tuesday, September 15; this particular rule cannot be…

King County Democrats

LIVE from Renton: The August 2015 King County Democrats Endorsement Meeting

Good evening from Renton. Tonight, the King County Democrats are meeting to consider taking endorsement action in several contests, which will be decided by voters this November. This post will offer a running chronology of the meeting proceedings, including endorsement votes.

This Saturday: The King County Democrats 1st Annual Fall Dinner and Awards Event!

UPDATE:  If you haven’t had a chance to purchase your tickets for A Witty Little Dinner, there’s still time! The deadline to purchase tickets has been extended to Friday, September 11th. Click here to purchase your tickets! If you cannot purchase tickets through the online system, please mail your check to King County Democrats, PO…

August 25 Executive Board Meeting

The agenda for our August 25 Executive Board meeting (7 PM, Renton Carpenters’ Hall) will include consideration of: Additional endorsements for the general election (note that per KCDCC Bylaws 11.3, the only candidates who may moved for endorsement this meeting are those whose questionnaires were received by Tuesday, August 18; this particular rule cannot be…