Sample presidential primary ballot

Primer on Washington’s 2016 Presidential Primary

This month, Washington State is holding a presidential primary. If you are registered to vote in King County or elsewhere in our great state, you should have received a ballot in the mail sometime between May 4th and May 7th. The following FAQ explains what this is all about and what you should do with…

Tina Podlodowski

King County Democrats endorse Tina Podlodowski for Secretary of State

Acting on a recommendation from its Endorsements Committee, the executive board of the King County Democrats tonight voted to make Tina Podlodowski its first endorsed candidate of the 2016 cycle. Podlodowski, a former Seattle City Councilmember and distinguished civic and nonprofit leader, is challenging Republican Kim Wyman for Secretary of State. Wyman is the latest…

Packed beyond capacity at Whitman Middle School

King County Democrats celebrate high caucus turnout

This morning, tens of thousands of Democratic activists and voters throughout King County came together to kick off the 2016 Washington State Democratic Party’s caucus and convention cycle by participating in presidential precinct caucuses at hundreds of neighborhood locations. Preliminary reports from party leaders suggest turnout was incredibly high, after visits by both Hillary Clinton…

Democrats caucusing in 2008

Caucus and convention information for 2016

Each even-numbered year, the Democratic Party holds caucuses and conventions to elect delegates and hear from candidates, as well as adopt resolutions and agree on a platform at the county and state levels. All Washingtonians who identify as Democrats are encouraged to attend these events. There will be five events in this year’s caucus and…

Jim McDermott speaking

King County Democrats’ statement on retirement of Congressman Jim McDermott

The King County Democratic Party released the following statement after Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) announced his retirement from Congress. “Jim McDermott has been a dependable, principled advocate for the people of our region for nearly three decades in Congress,” said King County Democratic Chair Rich Erwin. “Representative McDermott took a firm stand against George W….

King County Democrats remember George Zander

This morning, we lost former King County Democratic Chair George Zander, a pioneering advocate for LGBT rights. George led KCDCC in the early nineties; he resided in Palm Springs, California during the last years of his life. Tragically, he was the victim of a hate crime last month. The King County Democrats extend our deepest…

King County Democrats choose nominees to succeed Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Reuven Carlyle in 36th District

King County Democrats choose nominees to succeed Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Reuven Carlyle in 36th District

In anticipation of 36th District State Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles’ resignation from the Legislature to serve on the King County Council, the King County Democrats tonight selected State Representative Reuven Carlyle, Belltown community organizer Liz Campell, and small business owner David Kaplan as its nominees to fill the forthcoming vacancy that Kohl-Welles’ departure will create. The…

36th LD Legislative Vacancy Caucus and Special KCDCC Executive Board Meeting – Reminder

The 36th LD Legislative Vacancy Caucus to fill Jeanne Kohl-Welles’ Senate seat is tonight, Wednesday, December 2 at The Swedish Center in Seattle (E. Queen Anne). Registration opens at 6pm. The PCO call to order is at 6:45pm Executive Board meeting will convene once the PCO caucus concludes (est. 9pm). More details here


District Holiday Parties

47th LD Wed, Dec 2, 7:00–9:00pm Auburn IAM Hall 201 A St SW Auburn, WA 98001 30th LD Wed, Dec 2, 7:00–9:00pm Belmor Park Clubhouse 2101 South 324th St Federal Way, WA 98003 Details 32nd LD Sat, Dec 5, 5:30–9:30pm Mountlake Terrace Senior Center 23000 Lakeview Dr Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Details 46th LD Sun, Dec 6, 5:00–8:00pm Lake…

King County Democrats 2016 Legislative Agenda

11/24/15 Rev. 2.0 (PDF) Revenue & Tax Reform: Progressive new revenue, including capital gains tax, to fulfill the state’s paramount duty to amply fund Basic Education in compliance with the McCleary decision (Budget) Close corporate tax exemptions that lack accountable performance objectives and results Require the Legislature to adopt a Tax Expenditure Budget (HB1239/SB5492) Support…