note for the website
Wondering is I can add a file attachment to a post. HowToPostViaEmail.docx
Wondering is I can add a file attachment to a post. HowToPostViaEmail.docx
Legislative Districts Every 10 years, districts are revised based upon census data. King County Legislative Districts and Congressional District lines were recently redrawn. To see the new maps, click here: Legislative Districts in King County Congressional Districts in King County
The King County Democratic Central Committee officers meet on the second Sunday every month. Legislative District Chairs attend on a quarterly basis. The next meeting will be Sun, Aug 12th, 2012 from 7pm – 9pm Renton Carpenters Hall 231 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Map
You can make a real contribution to the Democratic party by becoming a PCO. If you do not know your LD, use the Legislative District Lookup from the Washington State Legislature. Find your Precinct through the King County Voter Guide Lookup Contact your LD Chair to volunteer to become a PCO!* *note: Your LD chair…
The next King County Democrats meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 at 7 PM at: Renton Carpenters’ Hall 231 Burnett Ave N Renton, WA 98057 map