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Issue #55

The State Little to show for 105 days on job at Capitol The politically divided Washington Legislature wound down its 105-day regular session Sunday without a two-year state budget and with few marquee bills to show for laboring in Olympia. The Republican-steered Senate and Democratic-controlled House are miles apart on the central question of the…

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Issue #54

King County ‘Paul Allen is very disappointed’ Paul Allen’s Vulcan Real Estate company is said to be bitterly unhappy with the Seattle City Council’s unanimous vote Monday to sharply increase fees that they and other developers will have to pay toward providing affordable housing in South Lake Union. Vulcan is royally ticked off at the council’s rejection of Mayor Mike…

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Issue #53

King County Protesters at Renton Walmart demand increased worker safety at foreign garment factories Approximately 100 protesters gathered Wednesday at the Renton Walmart to remember fire victims and demand that the company and others like it take better care of overseas workers. On hand for the protest were Kalpona Akter from the Bangladesh Center for…

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Issue #52

(Daily Clips will not publish Wednesday, 4-24, so that the editor can attend the KCDCC monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the Carpenters’ Hall in Renton. See you there.) King County Cities, tribes: No coal port, no coal trains here Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, oft-faulted for a go-it-alone governing style, became a coalition builder Monday, joining…

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Issue #51

The State Lesson from 43 Earth Days: Successful green politics is grassroots Earth Day was born at a Seattle speech nearly 44 years ago, when Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin announced a national teach-in on the environment and urged young people to rally to defense of the Earth, as they had to resist the Vietnam…

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Issue #50

King County Ballard breweries nervous, furious about beer tax proposal Several small breweries in Ballard are shifting their feet nervously as the Washington State Legislature considers a beer tax that could sky rocket the cost of running business for them. “The increased excise taxes which are being proposed would mean an even greater challenge for…

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Issue #49

King County Police union accuses command staff of cover-up over May Day violence The union representing police captains and lieutenants is accusing the Seattle Police Department (SPD) of a cover-up over the inept handling of last year’s May Day violence, questioning the validity of two reviews it says unfairly blame a union member while downplaying…

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Issue #48

King County Seattle endorsement season begins; will McGinn be spurned? The power of endorsement and its significance has long been subject of debate by political consultants. Without question, it can mean money for paid media and literature drops, and, equally important, enlisting boots on the ground: rousing volunteers for door-belling, putting up yard signs, and…

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Issue #47

(Daily Clips will resume Wednesday, as we take a day off in observation of the events in Boston.) The State Yakima immigration reform supporters plan boycott A new organization that advocates for the rights of immigrants in Yakima is planning a commercial boycott as part of a push for comprehensive immigration reform. “Somos Comunidad” (We…

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Issue #46

King County County Council may restrict holds on jailed immigrants The King County Council will consider an ordinance preventing its jail from honoring requests from federal immigration authorities to “hold for pick up” immigrant inmates who have committed only low-level offenses. The legislation, which council President Larry Gossett expects to introduce within weeks, would be…