Issue #203

Fight over minimum age illustrates web of industry ties Just four blocks from the White House is the headquarters of the Employment Policies Institute, a widely quoted economic research center whose academic reports have repeatedly warned that increasing the minimum wage could be harmful, increasing poverty and unemployment. But something fundamental goes unsaid in the institute’s reports: The…

Issue #202

Colorado and the future of the Democratic Party Last month, Colorado opened its first retail marijuana shops. At the Colorado Springs airport, there are now bins to help departing travellers remember to drop their pot before flying off to less liberated states. The law legalizing marijuana in Colorado was the result of a long grass-roots…

Issue #200

Texas’ next governor? Meet Wendy Davis’ opponent, Greg Abbott There’s been a lot of talk in national political circles about how Texas will inevitably turn blue. The state is already majority-minority and the Hispanic population continues to grow rapidly. Democrats have pinned their main hopes on Wendy Davis, a state senator who became a party and…

Issue #198

The middle class IS steadily eroding; just ask the business world In Manhattan, the upscale clothing retailer Barneys will replace the bankrupt discounter Loehmann’s, whose Chelsea store closes in a few weeks. Across the country, Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants are struggling, while fine-dining chains like Capital Grille are thriving. And at General Electric,…

Issue #196

Is fracking about to arrive on your doorstep? For the past several years, I’ve been writing about what happens when big oil and gas corporations drill where people live. “Fracking”—high-volume hydraulic fracturing, which extracts oil and methane from deep shale—has become my beat. My interviewees live in Pennsylvania’s shale-gas fields; among Wisconsin’s hills, where corporations…

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Issue #195

Editor’s note This edition of Daily Clips will be the final one under the present format. The time and work involved in producing this feature is proving to be unsustainable for a strictly volunteer effort. We are as committed as we can be at KCDCC to informing Democrats of the news and issues of the…