Endorsement Committee Role & Responsibility (Gloria Hatcher-Mays)

Author Gloria Hatcher-Mays Precinct NAILA Summary/Argument What does this do: clarify the role of the Endorsement Committee and define partnership between KCDCC and LPO’s in facilitating the successful election of Democrats per our charter as an organization. Text of Change original word file PDF version

Composition of the Executive Board (Chris Roberts)

Author Chris Roberts Precinct SHL 32-0267 Summary/Argument The proposed revision shrinks the size of the delegation of the 1st, 31st, and 32nd LD by 50% and other districts by 1/3. It is important that there be fairness in the representation of the Executive Board across the county. With redistricting looming, it is possible that more…

Reorganization Procedures (Chris Roberts)

Author Chris Roberts Precinct SHL 32-0267 Summary/Argument Section 11.1 says that the County and LD are peer organizations. It is possible that an LD might choose to reorganize before reorganization of the KCDCC, making the first sentence of the proposed bylaws inoperable – and should be struck. The second change recognized that the KCDCC Chair…

Non-Voting Members (Chris Roberts)

Author Chris Roberts Precinct SHL 32-0267 Summary/Argument Section 3.1 is clear about who the voting members are. Section 3.2 gives rights (including the right to attend all KCDCC meetings [not defined], speak and make motions) to anyone across the world who desires to volunteer and agrees to have their name listed as a members. Theoretically,…