Issue #227

As viewing habits change, political campaigns also must change For half a century, television ads have been the staple of political campaigns, the preferred, if costly, vehicle for communicating a candidate’s message to the voters. What happens when people stop watching live television? That day hasn’t arrived yet and probably never will. But the outlines of…

Issue #226

Obama overtime plan already stirring controversy President Barack Obama’s move to make more workers eligible for time-and-a-half overtime pay is being hailed by Democrats who see it as a potent midterm election issue and condemned by Republicans and business leaders as presidential overreach. Supporters say it will help the still fragile economy, critics say it…

Issue #223

The Senate-CIA blowup threatens a Constitutional crisis Tuesday morning, on C-SPAN, the foundation of the national security state exploded. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the chair of the Senate intelligence committee, took to the Senate floor and accused the CIA of spying on committee investigators tasked with probing the agency’s past use of harsh interrogation techniques (a.k.a. torture) and…

Issue #222

Conservative group ALEC targets city, local governments The right-wing group ALEC is preparing to launch a new nationwide network that will seek to replicate its current influence within state legislatures in city councils and municipalities. The American Legislative Exchange Council, founded in 1973, has become one of the most pervasive advocacy operations in the nation. It brings elected…

Issue #219

Harry Reid continues showdown with Kochs Harry Reid is leading a concerted election-year strategy by Democrats to demonize the Koch brothers, starting on the Senate floor. The Senate majority (D-NV) leader again lit into Charles and David Koch Tuesday, showing little regard for GOP criticisms of his previous attacks on the billionaire brothers. Reid refused to…

Issue #218

Challenging Democrats from the left Since 2010 the tea party has made considerable strides in completing an ideological purification of the Republican Party. By running challengers in party primaries against candidates they perceive as too moderate, far-right activists have helped shape the Republicans into a relatively coherent force. The Democratic Party, on the other hand,…