Issue #326

When companies flee U.S. tax system, investors often don’t reap big returns Establishing a tax domicile abroad to avoid U.S. taxes is a hot strategy in corporate America, but many companies that have done such “inversion” deals have failed to produce above-average returns for investors, a Reuters analysis has found. Looking back three decades at 52…

Issue #325

(Editor’s note: This one is several months old, but people need a reminder sometimes.) Five obnoxious libertarian oligarchs who earned fortunes from the government they’d like to destroy The cult of the libertarian-minded ultra-wealthy would make an intriguing anthropological case study. But it would be a case study with a twist: its research subjects increasingly…

August 17 LAC Meeting

The August KCDCC Legislative Action Committee Meeting will take place Sunday 8/17, 2:00-4:00pm at Covington Library 27100 164th Ave SE, Covington, right before the Kent-Kangley Road passes under Highway 18 Special guest is Tina Orwall, State Representative (33rd LD) and Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore

Issue #324

Not just Ferguson: 11 eye-opening facts about America’s militarized police forces The “war on terror” has come home—and it’s wreaking havoc on innocent American lives. The culprit is the militarization of the police. The weapons that destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq have made their way to local law enforcement. While police forces across the country began a…

Issue #323

So-called ‘Libertarian Moment’ is engineered by Christian right There’s been quite the buzz in the chattering classes this week over Robert Draper’s suggestion in the New York Times Magazine that the Republican Party, and perhaps even the nation, may finally prepared for a “libertarian moment,” likely through the agency of the shrewd and flexible politician Rand…

Issue #321

Obama, on a pro-labor roll, just signed the most important workers’ rights reform of the past 20 years. If you’ve been following President Obama’s burst of enthusiasm for executive orders, you may have heard that he’s been flexing his muscle on behalf of labor. Last month, Obama banned federal contractors from discriminating against gay workers. For that…

Issue #320

Unions that used to strike: ILWU faces tough choices, none good In early July, 120 mostly poor and immigrant port truckers set up picket lines at three trucking companies in LA-Long Beach Harbor, extending their longstanding campaign to unionize. The next day, workers from the powerful and historically militant International Longshore and Warehouse Union honored the truckers’ picket by…

Issue #319

As gays prevail in Supreme Court, women see setbacks When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reflects on the Supreme Court’s recent rulings, she sees an inconsistency. In its gay rights rulings, she told a law school audience last week, the court uses the soaring language of “equal dignity” and has endorsed the fundamental values of “liberty and…