February 24 Executive Board Meeting

The agenda for our February 24 Executive Board meeting (7pm, Renton Carpenters’ Hall) will include the following items: Elections for Third Vice-Chair and Treasurer Adoption of a 2015 Budget (per email) Adoption of a Code of Conduct Consideration of two Bylaws Amendments concerning the duties of the Treasurer concerning endorsements and clarifying the role of…

Status of Bills for the 2015 Legislative Agenda

Printable version Updated 4/6/2015Call your legislators and the Gov. at 1-800-562-6000 and urge them to support your bill. HOUSE BILLS STATUS COMMENTS & ACTION SHB 1223 Financing Workforce Housing (Springer) (also SB 5208) Substitute bill passed House 63-35 (3/5); passed by Senate Human Services, Mental Health & Housing (3/31); referred to Senate Rules (4/1) Substitute bill makes…

Legislative Action Update

  Steve Zemke and Sarajane Siegfriedt have been appointed as co-chairs of the Legislative Action Committee. Steve and Sarajane are two of our most experienced advocates, and have co-chaired this committee in the past. They are committed to greatly increasing opportunities for our PCOs and members to advocate for a better King County and Washington…

Recommended Olympia Lobby Days

The 2015 legislative session begins January 15 and ends 105 days later on April 27th.  Each of the following organizations sponsors a lobby day that includes training on their legislative agenda issues, inspirational speakers including people directly affected by the issues, and appointments with your legislator. These organizations are consistent with our KCDCC platform and offer in-depth training and…

2015 Legislative Agenda

printable version Revenue & Tax Reform: Pass a capital gains tax on the wealthy to raise additional revenue to fund Basic Education and meet McCleary obligations Close corporate tax exemptions that lack accountable performance objectives and results in terms of living-wage jobs and other measurable community benefits Require the Legislature to adopt a Tax Expenditure…

Carol Gregory Selected by KC Council for 30th LD House Seat

Today, the King County Council voted 8-0 to appoint Carol Gregory to the open 30th LD State Representative seat (position #2, vacated when Roger Freeman passed away). District #6 Councilmember Jane Hague was not present for the vote. The appointment is now waiting on the action of the Pierce County Council.

Rich Erwin elected chair of the King County Democrats for 2015-2016

The King County Democrats began the 2015-2016 election cycle yesterday with an exciting, well-attended reorganization meeting at the IAM Hall in Seattle’s South Park, at which more than two hundred Democratic precinct committee officers gathered to choose the party’s leadership for the next two years. By a final vote of one hundred and five to…