Issue #300

(Two links for the price of one today; same subject) Lone Star Crazy: How right-wing extremists took over Texas In today’s Texas, which is falling into the hands of gun nuts, border-sealers, and talk-radio charlatans, George W. Bush would practically be considered a communist. After nearly six years of pumping out cynical horror stories involving our…

Issue #299

Judge invalidates two Florida congressional districts A judge threw out Florida’s congressional map late Thursday, ruling that the Legislature allowed for a “secret, organized campaign” by partisan operatives to subvert the redistricting process in violation of the state Constitution. In a 41-page ruling, Leon County Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis said that two of the state’s…

Issue #298

Thrown out of court: How corporations became people you can’t sue Late last year a massive data hack at Target exposed about 110 million consumers around the country to identity theft and fraud. As details of its lax computer security oversight came to light, customers whose passwords and credit card numbers had been stolen banded together…

Issue #297

Recent immigrant surge is rooted in law to curb child trafficking It was one of the final pieces of legislation signed into law by President George W. Bush, a measure that passed without controversy, along with a pension bill and another one calling for national parks to be commemorated on quarters. It was called the William Wilberforce Trafficking…

Issue #296

Chris McDaniel’s election tantrum is more than sore-loserdom Last Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a bill designed to protect the right to vote and fight racial discrimination in education, employment, and public facilities. It was a hard-fought historic accomplishment, one that changed lives and made the promise of democracy…

Issue #294

GOP’s culture war disaster: How this week highlighted a massive blind spot Progressives often comfort themselves that while they’re losing a lot of economic battles, at least they’re winning the so-called culture wars. But lately it’s impossible not to notice that even our culture war victories are uneven. They mostly involve gay rights, particularly marriage…

Issue #292

Hobby Lobby: A ruling that both sides can run with The Supreme Court’s ruling Monday that the government cannot force certain employers to pay for birth control was more than a rebuke to President Obama. It was vindication of the conservative movement’s efforts to chip away at laws it finds objectionable by raising questions of freedom of expression. The…

Issue #291

The single most important fact about American politics Perhaps the single most important fact about American politics is this: the people who participate are more ideological and more partisan, as well as angrier and more fearful, than those who don’t. The finding emerges from Pew’s massive survey of 10,000 Americans, which concluded that “Republicans and Democrats are more divided…