Issue #219

Harry Reid continues showdown with Kochs Harry Reid is leading a concerted election-year strategy by Democrats to demonize the Koch brothers, starting on the Senate floor. The Senate majority (D-NV) leader again lit into Charles and David Koch Tuesday, showing little regard for GOP criticisms of his previous attacks on the billionaire brothers. Reid refused to…

Issue #218

Challenging Democrats from the left Since 2010 the tea party has made considerable strides in completing an ideological purification of the Republican Party. By running challengers in party primaries against candidates they perceive as too moderate, far-right activists have helped shape the Republicans into a relatively coherent force. The Democratic Party, on the other hand,…

Issue #215

Only aggressive action will save the American labor movement Law is being used to defeat unions. Strikes are banned, boycotts are illegal, and organizing is made difficult. Public and private employers simply refuse to negotiate with workers and their organizations. Traditionally labor union leadership, faced with decertification, costly fines, and imprisonment, has been hesitant to…

Issue #214

North Carolina’s civil war: The South’s prettiest, ugliest, most forward-thinking, most backward-minded, most divided state They arrived, like their forefathers did a half century earlier, in buses, with small signs taped to the windows for the North Carolina cities they represented: Fayetteville, Asheville, Charlotte, Newton, Weldon, Wilmington. There were visitors too, with signs that said not…

Issue #212

Worse than Wal-Mart: Amazon’s sick brutality and secret history of ruthlessly intimidating workers When I first did research on Walmart’s workplace practices in the early 2000s, I came away convinced that Walmart was the most egregiously ruthless corporation in America. However, ten years later, there is a strong challenger for this dubious distinction—Amazon Corporation. Amazon equals Walmart in the…