Questionnaire Forms Available
Endorsement questionnaires are now available on the Endorsements page.
Endorsement questionnaires are now available on the Endorsements page.
The agenda for our March 24 Executive Board meeting (7pm, Renton Carpenters’ Hall) will include the following items: Adoption of Endorsement Rules for 2015 Adoption of Endorsement Questionnaires for 2015 for state-level positions for county-level positions for local-level positions (city councils and all special districts except for school districts and the Port of Seattle) for…
The draft reprecincting ordinance for this year is now available for public comment. The comment deadline is Friday March 6, after which the ordinance will go to the County Council for approval. The following chart lists the affected precincts — the list of changes for this year is relatively small. Click on the name in…
Social Security: Why It’s Not Broke and How We Can Expand It A free public forum sponsored by Social Security Works – Washington. Monday, February 23, 7pm. Joe Crump Hall UFCW 21 5030 1st Ave S, Seattle Download flyer.
The agenda for our February 24 Executive Board meeting (7pm, Renton Carpenters’ Hall) will include the following items: Elections for Third Vice-Chair and Treasurer Adoption of a 2015 Budget (per email) Adoption of a Code of Conduct Consideration of two Bylaws Amendments concerning the duties of the Treasurer concerning endorsements and clarifying the role of…
Please register now for the King County Democrats’ Legislative Action Day in Olympia, on Presidents Day, Monday, February 16, 2015, from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM. (You can schedule appointments with Legislators in the afternoon from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM) The Lobby Day Briefing will be held in Senate Hearing Room 3 of the…
Steve Zemke and Sarajane Siegfriedt have been appointed as co-chairs of the Legislative Action Committee. Steve and Sarajane are two of our most experienced advocates, and have co-chaired this committee in the past. They are committed to greatly increasing opportunities for our PCOs and members to advocate for a better King County and Washington…
(From our friends at Attention: Time is running out. You only have 3 days left to enroll for coverage starting on January 1. Find out if you’re eligible for a premium tax credit – it’s like cash back to help you pay for health coverage. You can’t afford to wait. Last year, 8 out…
Today, the King County Council voted 8-0 to appoint Carol Gregory to the open 30th LD State Representative seat (position #2, vacated when Roger Freeman passed away). District #6 Councilmember Jane Hague was not present for the vote. The appointment is now waiting on the action of the Pierce County Council.
The King County Democrats began the 2015-2016 election cycle yesterday with an exciting, well-attended reorganization meeting at the IAM Hall in Seattle’s South Park, at which more than two hundred Democratic precinct committee officers gathered to choose the party’s leadership for the next two years. By a final vote of one hundred and five to…