
King County Democrats endorse Sound Transit 3, take additional ballot measure positions

Good evening from Renton. Tonight, the King County Democrats took positions on a number of ballot measures that are coming before voters in part or all of King County this autumn. Here is a list of the positions taken this evening: Regional Regional Proposition 1 (Sound Transit 3): YES County King County Charter Amendment No….

King County Democrats reaffirm commitment to finding effective and expedient solutions to our homelessness crisis

Last night, at the invitation of host Jason Rantz, Omaha Sternberg, who is one of nine independently elected officers of the King County Democrats, appeared on KIRO 97.3 FM to discuss her personal views on addressing homelessness, following a lively discussion on Twitter earlier in the day. Though Omaha was speaking only for herself, she…

Join the King County Democrats at the 2016 Eastside Democratic Dinner: An annual tradition in its thirtieth year

Fellow Democrats, the 2016 Eastside Democratic Dinner is just around the corner! Along with districts in the South Sound and in Clark County, the Eastside is one of the places in Washington where legislative majorities are won and lost. To retake the Washington State Senate and expand our majority in the Washington State House this…


King County Democrats congratulate endorsed candidates on Top Two showing

Following the release of initial results in the August Top Two qualifying election, King County Democratic Chair Rich Erwin congratulated the party’s many endorsed candidates on their showing, declaring that the party was ready to go to work to elect Democrats up and down the ballot all autumn long, and recapture control of the state…

How You Can Help Our Endorsed Candidates

Follow these links for details on upcoming phonebanks, precinct walks, and other events to support our candidates: Pramila Jayapal (7th Congressional District) Santiago Ramos (8th Congressional District) Adam Smith (9th Congressional District) Tina Podlodowski (Secretary of State) Jeff Sprung (State Auditor) John Paul Comerford (State Treasurer) Hillary Franz (Commissioner of Public Lands) Erin Jones (Office…

LIVE from Renton: The June 2016 King County Democratic Endorsements Meeting

Good evening from Renton. Tonight, the King County Democrats are meeting to consider taking endorsement action in a number of contests, most of which will be decided by voters this August and September. This post will offer a running chronology of the meeting proceedings, including endorsement votes. Note that the threshold for endorsement of the…


Join the King County Democrats at the 2016 Washington State Democratic Convention

Thank you to everyone who joined us on May 1st for the King County Democratic Convention! The caucus and convention cycle wraps up in June with the Washington State Democratic Convention. Delegates, Alternates and other interested Democrats should mark the following dates on their calendars: Washington State Democratic Convention: June 17th – 19th (all day) in…

Tina Podlodowski

King County Democrats endorse Tina Podlodowski for Secretary of State

Acting on a recommendation from its Endorsements Committee, the executive board of the King County Democrats tonight voted to make Tina Podlodowski its first endorsed candidate of the 2016 cycle. Podlodowski, a former Seattle City Councilmember and distinguished civic and nonprofit leader, is challenging Republican Kim Wyman for Secretary of State. Wyman is the latest…

Democrats caucusing in 2008

Caucus and convention information for 2016

Each even-numbered year, the Democratic Party holds caucuses and conventions to elect delegates and hear from candidates, as well as adopt resolutions and agree on a platform at the county and state levels. All Washingtonians who identify as Democrats are encouraged to attend these events. There will be five events in this year’s caucus and…

Jim McDermott speaking

King County Democrats’ statement on retirement of Congressman Jim McDermott

The King County Democratic Party released the following statement after Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) announced his retirement from Congress. “Jim McDermott has been a dependable, principled advocate for the people of our region for nearly three decades in Congress,” said King County Democratic Chair Rich Erwin. “Representative McDermott took a firm stand against George W….