For more information about the KCDCC endorsement process, please visit our Endorsement Info page. Step 1 of 8 12% Instructions We want to get to know you. We ask for information grouped into three pages: information about you and your campaign; three or four yes-or-no questions; and five to eight free-response questions specific to the office you seek. We are currently accepting questionnaires from candidates for King County offices, Port of Seattle, city/town mayor and council (except Seattle), and school board. Note that you can save and return to the questionnaire later. Click the “Save and Continue Later” link at the bottom of the page. That will give you a link that you will need to copy. There’s also a field where you can enter an email address if you want the continuation link emailed to you. If you have questions or trouble with the questionnaire, please contact us, and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day.Candidate name(Required) First Last Candidate name pronunciationCandidate pronounsCampaign Filer_Name(Required)This is the name of the campaign as filed with the PDC or FEC. Some common examples are “Friends of Candidate Name” or “Elect Candidate Name”.Campaign email(Required) Campaign phone(Required)Number we can text or call if we have questions about this form(Required) All links are optional. Please leave the answer blank if you have no link to share.Campaign website Facebook page LinkedIn Instagram X/Twitter/BlueSky/Threads/etc. Link to candidate headshot Any other campaign link you would like to share Campaign manager informationCampaign manager name(Required) First Last Campaign manager email(Required) Campaign manager phone(Required) Campaign manager informationConsultant name First Last Consultant email Jurisdiction of office sought On the following pages you will see questions specific to the position you are running for.What type of position are you running for?(Required)King CountyPort of SeattleCity A-LCity M-ZCity of Seattle (unavailable)JudicialSchool DistrictFire Protection DistrictWater/Sewer DistrictHospital DistrictOther special purpose districtWhich position are you running for?(Required)Algona Council Position No. 2Algona Council Position No. 4Auburn MayorAuburn Council Position No. 2Auburn Council Position No. 4Auburn Council Position No. 6Bellevue Council Position No. 2Bellevue Council Position No. 4Bellevue Council Position No. 6Black Diamond MayorBlack Diamond Council Position No. 2Black Diamond Council Position No. 3Black Diamond Council Position No. 4Black Diamond Council Position No. 6Bothell Council Position No. 1Bothell Council Position No. 3Bothell Council Position No. 5Bothell Council Position No. 7Burien Council Position No. 1Burien Council Position No. 3Burien Council Position No. 5Burien Council Position No. 7Carnation Council Position No. 2Carnation Council Position No. 4Clyde Hill Council Position No. 1Clyde Hill Council Position No. 3Clyde Hill Council Position No. 5Covington Council Position No. 2Covington Council Position No. 4Covington Council Position No. 6Des Moines Council Position No. 1Des Moines Council Position No. 3Des Moines Council Position No. 5Des Moines Council Position No. 7Duvall MayorDuvall Council Position No. 1Duvall Council Position No. 3Duvall Council Position No. 5Duvall Council Position No. 6Enumclaw MayorEnumclaw Council Position No. 1Enumclaw Council Position No. 3Enumclaw Council Position No. 5Enumclaw Council Position No. 7Federal Way MayorFederal Way Council Position No. 2Federal Way Council Position No. 4Federal Way Council Position No. 6Issaquah MayorIssaquah Council Position No. 1Issaquah Council Position No. 3Issaquah Council Position No. 5Issaquah Council Position No. 7Kenmore Council Position No. 2Kenmore Council Position No. 4Kenmore Council Position No. 6Kent MayorKent Council Position No. 2Kent Council Position No. 4Kent Council Position No. 6Kirkland Council Position No. 1Kirkland Council Position No. 3Kirkland Council Position No. 5Kirkland Council Position No. 7Lake Forest Park Council Position No. 1Lake Forest Park Council Position No. 3Lake Forest Park Council Position No. 5Lake Forest Park Council Position No. 7Beaux Arts Village MayorBeaux Arts Village Council Position No. 1Beaux Arts Village Council Position No. 3Beaux Arts Village Council Position No. 5Hunts Point MayorHunts Point Council Position No. 1Hunts Point Council Position No. 3Hunts Point Council Position No. 5 Are you a Democrat?(Required) Yes No Have you ever been a member of another political party?(Required) Yes No Prior membership in another political party does not disqualify you for current endorsement.Does your campaign have a code of conduct for staff and volunteers?(Required) Yes No Will you share a link to your code of conduct? List your Bar and legal association ratings. King Conservation District Supervisor You have 1200 characters, about 200 words, to answer each question.If elected, what talent or passion would you bring to the position?(Required)Have you been involved in the King Conservation District before? Tell us about your experience.(Required)As Democrats, one of our values is to make services equitably available to all. How should King Conservation District ensure it is continuing to improve in its support of underserved populations?(Required)What would you like to see the King Conservation District accomplish if you are elected?(Required)One of the important services provided by King Conservation District is community education and environmental disaster preparedness for homeowners, renters, and other land users. What programs specifically would you like prioritized and why?(Required) City and Town Councilmember or Mayor You have 1200 characters, about 200 words, to answer each question.What motivated you to run for this position and how will you evaluate your success over time?(Required)The current supply of housing across King County does not meet the region’s needs, resulting in high housing prices and exclusive communities. How will you increase available housing, stabilize rent, and protect tenants in your city?(Required)All people deserve their basic human needs to be met. What is the state of social services in your community, and what will you advocate for?(Required)Our party platform calls for cities to ensure that contracts are awarded equitably, ensuring that women, minority-owned and LGBTQIA+ businesses are not excluded. What actions will you take to reduce systemic discrimination in your city’s awarding of contracts?(Required)King County set record high summer temperatures in each of the last four years. Given our party’s mandate to prevent catastrophic climate change, how would your community support the county’s environmental goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ensure sustainable and resilient frontline communities, and prepare for climate action?(Required)Crime statistics and the role of the police varies across our county. What is your perception of the effectiveness of public safety services in your community? How could it be enhanced or improved?(Required) King County Councilmember or Executive You have 1200 characters, about 200 words, to answer each question.What motivated you to run for this position and how will you evaluate your success?(Required)King County is in the top 15 counties in the country for area and population with amazing diversity across cultures, ethnicities, languages, and other factors. Please share with us how you’ve prepared yourself to represent this diverse population. For instance, what experience or training have you had in preparation for this role?(Required)Knowing that the County Strategic Climate Action Plan will be updated in 2025, what priorities do you bring to that important plan?(Required)We understand the tension between the Growth Management Act, achieving climate goals via mass transit, and supporting rural areas with roadway maintenance and development. How do you propose to balance these priorities?(Required)Harborview is an important level 1 trauma center and healthcare safety net for the region. Please share with us how you propose augmenting current funding sources to ensure its viability and prepare it for future needs.(Required)Behavioral healthcare remains a top priority and a growing problem. Knowing that Medicaid falls short of funding the cost of behavioral health care services, how do you propose meeting this need?(Required)King County has committed to pro-equity contracting with minority- and women-owned businesses (MWBEs) and reported that 7% of total 2021 contracting dollars went to MWBEs. What actions will you take to reduce systemic discrimination against MWBEs and expand the participation of MWBEs in county contracts of all sizes and across our communities?(Required)King County has many open job positions. Staffing targets reflect the county’s expected level of service. Please tell us your plan for the open job positions and the factors that drive it.(Required) Port of Seattle Commissioner You have 1200 characters, about 200 words, to answer each question.What motivated you to run for this position and how will you evaluate your success?(Required)There is more demand for air travel than the current SeaTac capacity. How is the commission planning to meet the needs of travelers?(Required)What air and water pollution control facilities are within the control of the Port Commission? Tell us about them.(Required)Human trafficking and illegal cargo remain issues. What more can the port do to reduce and eliminate these problems?(Required)The Port of Seattle has committed to pro-equity contracting with minority- and women-owned businesses (MWBEs). What actions will you take to reduce systemic discrimination against MWBEs and expand the participation of MWBEs in Port contracts of all sizes and scope?(Required)King County ports commonly manage the ingress and egress of dangerous materials, such as nuclear, chemical, biological, and radioactive. Within the scope of the Port Commission, how would you reduce the risk from these materials dangerous to people, land, water, and air?(Required) School District Director You have 1200 characters, about 200 words, to answer each question.What are your views on charter schools and voucher systems?(Required)What are your top three priorities for allocating limited dollars in your district?(Required)What are the major barriers to effective learning in the classroom in your district?(Required)What is the role of religion in public schools?(Required)What are the primary issues with school capacity in your district and how would you like to see them addressed?(Required)Describe a time—professionally or personally—when you’ve led through conflict or controversy. How did you reach a conclusion and how did it advance the issue being addressed?(Required) Finishing steps King County Democrats thanks you for stepping up to run for office and for seeking Democratic endorsement. Before you hit the submit button, please take a moment to reflect on your answers, then certify that your responses are true and accurate.Certification(Required) The candidate hereby certifies that, to the best of their knowledge, the provided information is true and accurate.