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Issue #93

King County Seattle mayor’s race: bull’s-eye on McGinn’s leadership style As Seattle’s mayoral race enters a one-month sprint to the Aug. 6 primary, the contest has centered more on leadership style than on any major policy dispute. Specifically, the style — and effectiveness — of Mayor Mike McGinn, the bike-riding urbanist who came to office as…

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Issue #92

(Daily Clips will resume publication Tuesday, July 9, so that the editor can party  on July 4 and all weekend. Have a happy and safe Independence Day.) The State New atmosphere in county executive’s office One month since John Lovick was appointed Snohomish County Executive, people from inside and outside county government have marveled at…

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Issue #90

King County Extra pride at Seattle parade over stunning victories for gays Downtown Seattle streets were awash in the colors of the rainbow Sunday as thousands of Pride parade spectators — both gay and straight — jammed the sidewalks along 12 blocks of Fourth Avenue. Pride comes this year at a time of momentous achievement for…

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Issue #89

King County McGinn ignored leading gun control group in buyback effort Gun buybacks like the one promoted and hosted by Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn are little more than a distraction, often “backfire,” and are red meat for anti-gun-control zealots. That’s the advice Washington CeaseFire would have given McGinn, had anyone from the Mayor’s Office bothered to contact…

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Issue #88

King County Suburban poverty reflects new demographics in King County South King County serves as a poster child for the nationwide trend in suburban poverty. Unlike the “white flight” of the 1960s when white urban residents flocked to the suburbs, a reverse shift has occurred during the past decade. In 2012, more poor people now live in…

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Issue #87

(Daily Clips will not publish Wednesday June 26, so that the editor can attend Tuesday night’s meeting of the King County Democratic Central Committee. See you there.) The State Inslee says deal imminent on budget; might be announced shortly At the same time the state budget office notified tens of thousands of public employees that…

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Issue #86

The State No budget deal in sight; layoff notices loom Gov. Jay Inslee’s budget office wouldn’t make its final decision on sending out temporary layoff notices to thousands of state government workers until Monday morning – in  hopes that lawmakers would have a bit more time to forge a late-night or early morning budget agreement. Budget…

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Issue #85

King County Juneteenth mayoral forum sparks race, education discussion Wednesday night’s Juneteenth mayoral forum in the Central District drew answers from the candidates on some tough questions about education and race. Once again, someone in the audience laughed out loud at one of Charlie Staadecker’s earnest answers, librarian Joey Gray told Frisbee stories, and Bruce…