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Issue #113

(Daily Clips will be taking next week off. The editor is otherwise occupied.) King County Reichert, with newly drawn district, backs immigration reform, hints once again at run for statewide office Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA-8), with a newly redrawn district that spans the “Cascade Curtain,” has become the state’s first Republican member of Congress to…

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Issue #112

King County It’s McGinn and Murray; things could get ugly Good morning, Seattle, you got a real mayor’s race on your hands now. Ed Murray, longtime lawmaker, bird-watching hobbyist, and a gay-rights champion dating back to his days as a Bobby Kennedy campaign volunteer, is headed for an autumnal showdown with Mayor Mike McGinn. It should be…

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Issue #110

King County House Speaker flexes muscle on historic PacMed Center State House Speaker Frank Chopp has emerged as a central player in the effort to relocate community-college health programs into the PacMed Center using state dollars. The public authority that owns the building is debating whether to let a national homebuilder convert the historic Beacon Hill…

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Issue #109

King County Feds give laid-off Boeing workers a big helping hand Thanks to a federal program lined up by their unions, local workers laid off during the current dip in employment at Boeing Commercial Airplanes will enjoy a financial cushion that’s much, much plumper than what the average unemployed state resident gets. The U.S. Department of…

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Issue #108

King County McGinn video attacks rivals for supporting “corporate welfare” on Whole Foods deal Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn’s final TV ad before the end of the Aug. 6 primary strikes a positive, almost apologetic tone. But in a web video aimed at his core supporters, McGinn takes a more aggressive tack, ripping his mayoral race rivals over their criticism of…

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Issue #107

King County ‘Nonpartisan’ Susan Hutchison considers run for state GOP chair The surprise resignation of state GOP chairman Kirby Wilbur has sent a flurry of text messages and emails flying in Republican circles, as party activists chat up possible successors. One name that has emerged is Susan Hutchison, the former KIRO-TV anchor who unsuccessfully ran for King County Executive in 2009, largely…

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Issue #106

King County Seattle City Council votes to leave homeless camps unregulated The Seattle City Council voted Monday afternoon to kill a bill that would further legalize and regulate homeless encampments. Council member Nick Licata, the bill’s sponsor,hoped it could make encampments in the city safer and better organized—encampments like Nickelsville, which has been plagued by crime and…

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Issue #105

King County The case against Mike McGinn: It’s his agenda, not ours The closing days of this year’s primary campaign for Seattle Mayor have witnessed a closing of ranks against Mayor Mike McGinn by public officials who’ve had up-close experience working with him. They use phrases like “strong willed” to describe McGinn — not meant as…

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Issue #104

King County Fast food workers file criminal complaints over wage theft Fast food workers said Thursday today that they were filing criminal complaints with the Seattle Police Department on the grounds that their employers committed wage theft, with employees in Seattle allegedly losing an estimated $100,000 a week. Rebecca Smith of the National Employment Law Project…