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Issue #151

King County Gates Foundation earns ‘very poor’ scores on transparency The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should be more transparent about its aid spending in developing countries, according to an advocacy group that tracks international aid organizations. The group Publish What You Fund ranked the Gates Foundation 43rd out of 67 humanitarian agencies in transparency. The…

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Issue #150

(Daily Clips will resume Tuesday, October 29. The editor will be taking a long weekend.) King County Challenge for Seattle’s next mayor: Making housing affordable Seattle’s next mayor will face the challenge of balancing the city’s growth with affordability. “Because our city’s popular, because we’re adding jobs, because more people want to live in our walkable urban places,…

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Issue #150

(Daily Clips will not publish Wednesday, October 23, so that the editor can attend the monthly meeting of the King County Democratic Central Committee at the Carpenters’ Hall in Renton. See you there.) King County Last-minute deal averts grocery strike Just two hours before a 7 p.m. strike deadline, two big grocery unions said they…

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Issue #149

King County City of Seattle plays Darth Vader in property fight with 103-year-old woman over parking lot next to Viaduct The more you learn about the city of Seattle’s threat to condemn Myrtle Woldson’s waterfront property, the stranger those plans seem. The city wants to acquire the 103-year-old Spokane woman’s property at 1101 Western Ave. to offer…

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Issue #148

King County Peter Steinbrueck’s mom convinces him to endorse Ed Murray Peter Steinbrueck is done playing Hamlet. Thursday morning, at a packed coffee house in Maple Leaf, he exclaimed, “Today, I will wear Ed Murray’s pin for mayor.” The former Seattle City Council member said he’s been doing his due diligence over the past two months,…

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Issue #147

King County SPD provided little data to back crime crackdown, records show Seattle police handed City Attorney Pete Holmes only a list of names and personal information when they asked in August that criminal charges be filed against 28 people who repeatedly had failed to respond after civil infractions for drinking in public or sitting…

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Issue #146

King County Lake Forest Park candidate pursued relationship with female employee; invited her to explore “alternate universe” A Lake Forest Park city council candidate is under investigation by the Washington State Patrol after a female employee said he pursued an inappropriate relationship with her that began with an invitation to take her to an “alternate…

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Issue #145

King County Negotiations continue, but widespread grocery strike still a possibility Negotiations between four major Western Washington grocery chains and the unions that represent some 20,000 of their employees continued late last week and over the weekend. But according to UFCW 21 Communications Director Tom Geiger, significant disagreements over pay, pensions, and health care still…

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Issue #144

King County Government shutdown: Home-turf anger has Reichert treading fine line U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert (R-8) won big last election in rural Enumclaw and its surroundings. But the federal government shutdown and the drone of partisan bickering some 3,000 miles away are starting to grate among people there. The GOP’s resolve on linking government financing to defunding…

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Issue #143

King County Seattle mayoral candidates: Who pays if tunnel goes over budget? What if Seattle gets stuck with cost overruns on the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement project? That question sparked a lively exchange on KING-TV between the two candidates for mayor of Seattle during their first televised debate. During the hour long debate sponsored by KING-TV, KIRO-FM,…