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Issue #161

King County Rally Monday at Westlake Park to support Boeing Machinists In America, hard work and success should be rewarded. But this week an American company experiencing soaring profits, stock prices at an all-time high, and decades worth of back orders for its high-quality union-made products, did exactly the opposite. Boeing gave its workforce a…

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Issue #160

(Daily Clips will take the rest of this week off, so that the editor can attend the 34th District Democrats’ monthly meeting Wednesday and the Kohl-Welles election recap Thursday. See you there. Daily Clips should return Monday, November 18. Thanks for reading.) King County Sawant pulls ahead of Conlin in Seattle Council race Socialist challenger…

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Issue #159

King County Faye Garneau: The woman who transformed city council elections It took a couple of tries, but she finally did it. North Seattle businesswoman Faye Garneau has changed the way Seattle elects its city council members. On Nov. 5, even with just a portion of the votes in, it was as plain as day. The…

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Issue #158

King County Crucial Machinist contract vote likely to be close The Legislature Saturday overwhelmingly passed a package of incentives meant to assure Boeing builds the 777X jet in Washington state, but the Machinists who’ll vote Wednesday on their piece of the company’s take-it-or-leave-it proposal face a more personal decision. As the crucial vote loomed, politicians, union…

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Issue #157

King County Backers of SeaTac’s $15 wage floor eye Seattle After claiming victory in SeaTac, backers of a $15-an-hour minimum wage are turning their attention to Seattle. Labor activists who backed the measure that raises wages for airport-related workers in SeaTac said Wednesday that the push is on to raise Seattle’s wage floor to $15 for…

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Issue #156

King County Murray wins big as voters dump McGinn; it’s all over but the concession State Sen. Ed Murray took a big lead Tuesday night of 56 percent to 43 percent over incumbent Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, a margin that makes the 18-year veteran of the Washington Legislature a nearly sure bet to become Seattle’s…

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Issue #155

(Daily Clips will have a full election roundup, gathered from news sources around King County, Washington state, and the nation, Wednesday November 6.) King County Will Seattle-area voters put their left feet forward? Incumbent Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn was playing the role of populist insurgent on election eve, while challenger State Sen. Ed Murray was…

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Issue #154

King County In last days of Seattle mayor’s race, a final push to get out the vote as charges of ‘cyberbullying’ and ‘harassment’ abound Exactly how much difference the so-called “ground game” can make in the Seattle mayor’s race is hard to gauge. But with the debates over and ads running their course, campaigns don’t…

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Issue #153

(Daily Clips will not publish Friday November 1. The editor is indisposed.) King County O’Brien’s praise for 3rd-party candidates’ involvement in the elecoral process stops short of endorsement for Sawant Seattle City Council member Mike O’Brien said Wednesday night that his earlier reported “significant statement” in support of City Council candidate Kshama Sawant would fall…

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Issue #152

King County Grocery contract has small gains, no major take-aways A tentative contract deal between local unions and four large grocery chains appears to pose no major losses for workers, but no major gains either. Unionized grocery workers began voting Tuesday on a new three-year contract at local Albertsons, Fred Meyer, QFC, and Safeway stores. United…