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Sat. Oct. 6 Carpool to Redmond, Suzan DelBene for Congress CD1
Join the Young Democrats in a special event for the Congressional Campaign of Suzan DelBene. Carpool from the U-District or take the 545 Express bus from downtown to Redmond Transit Center (then walk 1.5 blocks east to 166th and 1 block south to 80th to reach the walk list distribution location). Fellow Young Dems, Please…
Reorganization Procedures (Chris Roberts)
Author Chris Roberts Precinct SHL 32-0267 Summary/Argument Section 11.1 says that the County and LD are peer organizations. It is possible that an LD might choose to reorganize before reorganization of the KCDCC, making the first sentence of the proposed bylaws inoperable – and should be struck. The second change recognized that the KCDCC Chair…
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Composition of the Executive Board (Chris Roberts)
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7.2.3 KCYD Voting Members (Derek Richards)
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