Saturday, December 6, 2014 Reorganization Meeting
The organization meeting for the 2015-2016 term of the King County Democratic Central Committee will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014, at
IAM Machinists Hall (in South Park)
9125 15th Pl S, Seattle
Call to order will be at 9:00 am (sign-in will open by 8:30am). This meeting is for PCOs elected in the August 2014 primary election, who will choose the leadership of the King County Democrats for the next two years, holding elections for all officer positions (Chair, 1st-4th Vice-Chairs, State Committee representatives, Secretary, Treasurer)
Go here for the full Proposed Agenda and Rules
Go here to view the list of elected PCOs for each Legislative District
Update (11/22/2014): The original agenda+rules posting inadvertently omitted clause 6d (an amendment providing for a forum, approved at the 10/28 Executive Board meeting); the correct version is now posted.